Lazy Sunday at the Gowlett Feb 2023

Jen was the guest serving at Johnny Mac & Fries' regular Sunday residency at SE15's finest establishment, the Gowlett Arms. A laidback hour or so of relaxing Sunday sounds, all on vinyl so enjoy a bit of snap, crackle & pop. Cheers to John Mac for having us along!

Joao Donato - Cala Boca Menino
Tim Maia - Rational Culture
Byron Lee & The Dragonaires - Live & Let Die
Prince Blackman - Rockers Delight
Labi Siffre - The Vulture
Lou Courtney - I'm In Need Of Love
Undisputed Truth - Sandman
Amadou & Mariam - Bofou Safou
William Oneyeabor - Fantastic Man
Captain Sensible - Wot
Ned Doheny - Prove My Love
Psychemagik - The Trip
General Lee - Magic
Hubbabubbaklub - Mopedbart